Sex Stories Podcast – Listen Here

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Sex Stories Podcast – Listen Here

You've been checking out porn podcasts lately and looking for a sex-positive podcast with actual sex stories to explore your sexuality. The Sex Storie

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You’ve been checking out porn podcasts lately and looking for a sex-positive podcast with actual sex stories to explore your sexuality. The Sex Stories Podcast is here for you and is here to stay. As the name suggests, the podcast focuses on each guest’s sex stories, and they will divulge the details and let the audience explore.

In this review, let’s talk about famous Sex Stories and what makes this podcast so unique to others.  


What The Sex Stories Podcast Is All About

Sex Stories is hosted by Wyoh Lee, a content creator, consultant, and actress. She is a well-known name in sexuality, relationships, and everything about sex. And this podcast cemented her reputation as a content creator and sex guru.

Wyoh Lee, sex stories podcast hostLee provides an informative show focusing on “leading better-laid lives.” It empowers people to no longer be afraid of talking about sex and to discuss topics surrounding it genuinely. And this means letting shame and judgment go so you can fully realize your untapped kinks and explore your sexuality more.

In seasons 1 to 3 of the show, this sex podcast features anonymous guests. Their anonymity, combined with their exploration of sexual fantasies, is a delight to the audience.

On the other hand, their most recent season, season 4, talks about people with sex-related professions and discusses their stories with them. The interviews with the guests are genuine, straightforward, and always respectful. That is the podcast’s charm that the audience fell in love with, and I will not be surprised if you fall in love with the podcast’s magic, too.


What Do I Like About The Podcast

When you first hear the term “Sex Stories,” the first thing that may come to mind is the elaborate and narrated erotic stories you would typically see in porn podcasts. However, this sex podcast is so much more than meets the eye.

It will bring you to discussions you never knew you needed to learn more about yourself. Exploring sex has never been exciting and imaginative. Plus, you will learn directly from other people’s experiences, making it intriguing and beneficial.

Lee’s hosting skills are the best asset of the show. For many, it is the reason why they listen to the podcast. I understand why. The way she interviews her guests is captivating and captures the audience’s hearts. Lee is an excellent speaker, and you can feel how passionate and genuine she is when she discusses her views and interviews the guests. You will not only learn from the guests’ experiences, but you can also gain something from Lee’s commentaries and stories about herself.

sex stories

Equally, she is a great listener and asks on-point questions to maximize her time talking to guests. The discussions, primarily thanks to Lee’s superb hosting skills, are informative and engaging. You can observe how smart and sensitive she is with the subjects and topics she handles. The conversations are easy to listen to, and you will be surprised by how much you gain from them.

There are also various types of people they’ve featured as guests, showing how diverse and wide their reach is.

Where It Falls Short

As much as most people who’ve listened to Sex Stories loved its content, it is a shame that some choose to no longer tune in to the podcast because of its sound quality issues.

sex stories podcast by wyoh lee

Lee is a great host, and she’s one of the best sex-positive people with a great outlook and an extraordinary personality. She’s passionate, empowering, and an excellent listener. However, the sound quality of her mic throughout the podcast could be better. It hinders the podcast’s message and distracts the audience from understanding what the host and guests alike would want to say.

Sound quality is crucial to me as a podcast listener, and it is a big turn-off when the podcast has terrible audio. It makes or breaks a podcast and heavily affects the overall quality of each episode. It would be nice if they could make changes to the sound quality and they can make improvements to optimize the podcast.

Although, we must recognize that Lee’s work is still commendable, even with some setbacks.


Takeaway From The Sex Stories Podcast

If you are looking for a podcast that will let you explore and learn more about sex, sexuality, and yourself, check out the Sex Stories Podcast. There has always been a stigma around sex that is still prominent, even in today’s society. However, the show’s content, which is always bold, fun, and exciting, gives some of the best reasons why you should check out the podcast.

Listen to a podcast where you can enjoy hearing sex stories from the people, accompanied by an excellent host, Wyoh Lee. The podcast aims for a better-laid life, where you will no longer have to worry about being ashamed of talking about sex.

If this podcast is your groove, you better check it out. You will surely not want to miss the Sex Stories Podcast!


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