Millennial Investing – Listen Here

HomeBest Investing Podcasts

Millennial Investing – Listen Here

As a millennial, are you having difficulty following through with a popular investment podcast that does not relate to millennials? Sometimes, they ma

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As a millennial, are you having difficulty following through with a popular investment podcast that does not relate to millennials? Sometimes, they may have the best advice in general. However, the millennials can not follow through due to the generation gap. I understand that part; it is pretty hard to learn easily and relate to their examples based on their experience. However, keep hope for the millennial generation. There is a great podcast that you may relate to and learn more about investing. I would like to introduce you to the Millennial Investing podcast.

All About The Millennial Investing Podcast

Robert Leonard and Rebecca Hotsko

The Investor’s Podcast Network is hosted by Robert Leonard and Rebecca Hotsko

The Millennial investing podcast is hosted by Rebecca Hotsko and Robert Leonard. This podcast is also under The Investor’s Podcast Network. This podcast is popular, especially on Apple Podcast, since they have been making great topics for investment related to the millennial generation. Their guest speakers are well-known financial advisers. Their goal for this podcast is to teach the millennial generation by improving their financial literacy and investment.

Listening to this podcast is inspiring and engaging. The hosts will make you feel that they understand your generation and how they can suggest ways to improve your financial literacy. Even as a newbie, they will provide the basic investment knowledge in each episode with their guest for millennial investors.

Why You Should Subscribe To The Podcast

You will love how inspiring they are with the guest during the conversation. They love to build rapport and

They provide a range of topics to educate and inspire the millennial generation.

engage with their guests, asking the precise question a millennial would ask about investment. The podcast hosts are great listeners to the guest speakers, and they would let them finish first when they are trying to discuss. Since I noticed some other hosts from different podcasts tend to cut off the discussion of their guests.

The podcast is easy to listen to when they explain the discussion and makes it easy for the audience to understand. They would also make the audience feel they are part of the discussion.

Other than that, the insights from the hosts are unique and brilliant. They do not miss a single detail from what they understand during the discussion of their guest speakers. The conversation is healthy, and the meeting ends when they can try to deliver the information to the target audience (The Millennials).

They also have short fillers on each episode to take a break from the discussion. The length of each episode usually takes an hour which will give lots of information overload. I am glad they reconsider putting short fillers to take our minds a break and regain our focus back on the topic. Of course, bathroom breaks as well. Furthermore, the podcast itself is suitable for beginners who have just started out to discover and learn investment. This is one of the great starts since the discussion is light for a novice in investment podcasts.

For listeners who are also bookworms, you must know that they recommend great books that relate to investment and finance. They mention self-help books for investment that they highly recommend as they have read and applied for themselves. This is not an advertisement but more of a great recommendation.

Important Takeaways From The Millennial Investing Podcast

  • Invest Early: By investing early, millennials can take advantage of compound interest, allowing them to earn more money over time. Additionally, it can reduce risk, as it helps to diversify one’s portfolio.
  • Diversify Your Portfolio: This means investing in various assets, such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Diversifying one’s portfolio can lower the hazard associated with investing, as it helps to spread out potential losses over various investments.
  • Understand the Different Investment Options: This includes stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, and more. By understanding the different investment options, millennials can make informed decisions about which investments are best for their situation.
  • Take Advantage of Tax Benefits: By investing in certain types of investments, such as 401ks, IRAs, and 529 plans, youth can take advantage of tax deductions and credits. These tax benefits can downsize the costs associated with investing and maximize returns.

What Are The Shortcomings Of The Show

Comparing the first few episodes to the latest, I noticed that in some current episodes, the hosts sounded off-tone or robotic, which quite lost the motivation to listen to the podcast. The insights and questions are great; however, the robotic tone bothers me a lot.

When discussing current events, the insights can be slightly off and lack fact-checking. However, I do understand that they try to convince the audience with their perspective. But I know millennials can be sensitive on this part as they also want the insights to be proven.

Sometimes they segue with some advertisement unrelated to the discussion, which makes the episode longer. The episodes are pretty long and take an hour or more. Audiences with a short attention span will dislike this. However, they have short fillers to compensate for the extended episode information.

Overall Impression On The Millennial Investing Podcast

Overall, this is one of the amazing podcasts I recommend for the millennial audience since you will love the on-point insights and questions from the hosts. This may not be recommended for an audience who may not like a monotone discussion. However, it is still a fantastic try to listen to it. The hosts improve every episode and are open to changes to improve the podcast.

Even though this podcast typically attracts the millennial audience, this podcast also attracts other generations (Gen Zs, Gen Xs, etc.) who love to ask detailed questions for them to understand the discussion better. This is also recommended for beginners in investment despite long episodes. Since the content of the conversation and insights are rich for a listener to understand the investment.

If you want to learn more about investments, this podcast is an excellent source of information and understanding. Tune in today and start learning how to grow your wealth!

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