Have you ever wondered how you can make more money than the monthly or yearly salary you receive? Usually, we always think that the best way to get a job with a better wage is by getting another degree that can either be a master’s or Ph.D. However, that is different from how it works, according to Robert T. Kiyosaki. He claims that learning more about finance and cash flow is ideal. This will be a pathway to increase your money by being smart with your choices in life on current events, even if you don’t have a degree or any salary you received. Do you feel invested in this thought? Whether you are young or old with a degree or not, The Rich Dad Radio Show by Robert T. Kiyosaki will guide you to move out of the comfort zone of your financial status. Because financial education is a must.
About Robert T. Kiyosaki
Robert T. Kiyosaki is a well-known businessman and author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, his debut financial book that became famous about the importance of learning finance and investments. This book became the asset of his company “Rich Dad,” and the popularity of Rich Dad grew bigger. They used different platforms such as YouTube and Podcasts, which are popular investment channels easily searched.
The Rich Dad Radio Show is inspiring and impacts the audience who strives to learn more about how they can be smart with their money. The videos and podcasts are very educational, even on current events that he can relate to his topic.
What Do I Love About The Rich Dad Radio Show?
Robert T. Kiyosaki is a direct-to-a-point host because he does not sugarcoat what he says. You can feel that he knows what he is doing and saying in his videos and podcasts as a Financial Guru. Kiyosaki always asks his guests for their views on specific topics that tackle finance and the economy. He engages with their thoughts and adds his perspective to meet the ends of the conversation they will agree upon.
While listening to him, it feels like you are learning something new every day related to the current status around the world. Thus, making you feel ready for something drastic to happen. It makes you decide to invest your money in something that is an intelligent choice during those times.
Furthermore, Kiyosaki’s perspective will make you interested in finance and investment even if you are not well educated on this subject. He will repeat himself and make you learn more about the basics of finance and investment in each video and podcast.
The Rich Dad Radio Show is so popular on all platforms. It is necessary to listen to his channel or radio first as this is your first step in learning about finance. In my opinion, I feel invested while listening to him since his viewpoint can be too direct and political. However, I may agree with some of his thoughts since it aligns with the economic status and finance.